Liver Reducing Diet
The liver is the largest organ in the body and sits across the upper part of your digestive system.
Following this diet will reduce the size of your liver, making the surgery easier and less likely to have complications.
It is recommended that a very restricted diet; one that is low in fat, sugars and starch, be followed for two weeks or longer prior to surgery.
By following this eating plan, the energy supply in your liver is used up, causing it to shrink.
This eating plan is only recommended prior to surgery and it is not to be followed after the operation. It is possible that you'll lose a lot of weight on this diet, but it will mainly be water loss.
Please ensure that you have plenty to drink throughout the day; It will not prevent you from losing weight.
Others can be recommended that include:
Milk and Yoghurt diet: 2 Pints skimmed or semi skimmed milk, 2 x 150g pot low fat low sugar yoghurt, 2 portions fruit + complete multivitamin + non-calorie fluids.
Meal Replacements e.g. Optifast (4 sachets per day+ non-calorie fluids) or Cambridge diet (4 sachets per day + non-calorie fluids).