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Study hints healthier school lunch can reduce obesity
A 2010 federal law that boosted nutrition standards for school meals may have begun to help slow the rise in obesity among America's children—even teenagers who can buy their own snacks, a new study showed.
Excess weight, obesity more deadly than previously believed
Excess weight or obesity boosts risk of death by anywhere from 22% to 91%—significantly more than previously believed—while the mortality risk of being slightly underweight has likely been overestimated, according to new University of Colorado Boulder research.
Real world effectiveness of a healthy lifestyle intervention for childhood obesity
A third of U.S. children have been found to be either overweight or obese. Though clinical trials have shown some interventions for childhood obesity to be effective, how these interventions might fare in the real world, outside of controlled trial settings, is less clear.
Everything to Know About Weight Training for Weight Loss, According to Experts
Learn more about weight exercises for weight loss, including the best moves for beginners, must-have equipment, and how exactly pumping iron works to help you lose weight.
Population-scaled, school-based physical activity intervention can help prevent childhood obesity
A new Slovenian population-scaled, school-based study shows that by providing additional physical education lessons to young children is effective in preventing childhood obesity, according to findings published in Obesity, The Obesity Society's (TOS) flagship journal.
The Effects of Bariatric Surgery on Cardiovascular Outcomes and Cardiovascular Mortality: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Bariatric surgery has been increasingly utilized as a therapeutic option for obesity. In this meta-analysis, we aim to assess the effects of bariatric surgery on CVD outcomes and cardiovascular mortality.
Genes that may predict complications from obesity differ between the sexes
Obesity causes many health problems and worsens several chronic illnesses, including type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. However, some obese people are more susceptible to complications than others.
GPs don't give useful weight-loss advice new study
The advice general practitioners give to patients with obesity in the UK was found to be "highly varied, superficial and often lacked an apparent evidence base," according to a new study from the University of Oxford.
Quality of neighborhood residence in early life may be linked to obesity risk through adolescence
Residence in neighborhoods with higher opportunity or lower vulnerability in early life, especially at birth, may be associated with lower mean BMI trajectory and lower risk of obesity through adolescence, according to a new study led by researchers at the Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Institute.
COVID-19 pandemic increased the vulnerability of people living with obesity, warns UK study
The COVID-19 pandemic may have left people living with obesity more vulnerable to the cost-of-living crisis, warns a study led by UCL researchers.