Following gastric bypass surgery Pamela has not taken a single diabetic medication and her daily blood sugar levels are now within normal range!

Pamela Daley
After & Before
My name is Pamela Daley. I am 56 years old.
I started my weight loss journey in June of 2017. My main goals were to get my diabetes under better control, have my hiatus hernia repaired to help with the gastric reflux and to lose weight to help with my arthritis.
Prior to my gastric bypass surgery on the 23rd March 2019, my diabetes was almost uncontrollable. My daily blood sugar levels were between 9-12 and my HBa1C was 96, despite being on Metformin, canaglifozine, nova rapid insulin injections 3 times a day and levimire insulin at night. My insulin doses kept rising to try and help combat my high blood sugar levels. In the end I was on 32 mg of nova rapid 3 times a day and 58mg of levimire at night.
I managed to get my HBa1C down to 74 in order to have my operation. Since the morning after surgery I have not taken a single diabetic medication and my daily blood sugar levels are now within a normal range, currently between 6.5-6.9 and my latest HBa1C is 68. This is a huge difference for me.
I have currently lost over 10kg in five weeks since my surgery and I am feeling much better. The only downside that I have found is that I am constantly feeling cold, but it is only a small problem compared to how I was before.
I would recommend anyone in a similar position to seriously consider having this surgery. It has definitely been worthwhile for me and the benefits far outweigh the negatives.
Best wishes